Sunday, May 6, 2012

Final Post Report Project # 13

 Well, our group, Elite, meet in person frequently for many assignments, specifically projects #13,15, and 16. In addition, we used google to collaborate ideas, especially if our schedules didn't allow us to meet physically. My group, and I collaborated via text message, which was extremely convenient. Overall,  our meetings, and other devices (cell phone) helped us stay on task for this course. Collaborating also improved my communication skills with my peers,and others, as well. Most importantly collaborating in person, via google, and through text messaging helped tremendously;therefore, our group produced quality and appreciable work.

Project 16

Blog Post # 14 final reflection

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Last C4T

Kristi's pit bull
by: Kristi L. Jackson

Summary (ART VIEWER) 
My C4T for the month of April was incredible. His students' are extremely talented. I enjoyed it mainly because his blog is simply photographs of fine art. My C4T name is Mr. John Burrows.My comments consisted of various ways that I viewed each drawing such as, I observed the texture, the shading patterns, and other such artistic language. I am a artist at heart, so this particular C4T really captured my attention. Please visit Mr. Burrows blog!

Final PLN Report!


My PLN (Personal Learning Network) is coming along perfectly. Before we began this class this semester, I didn't know anything about PLNs. Now, I use this particular networking system for assistance frequently. My PLN helps me find pertinent information that will guide me through out my teaching career. I've learned how to really appreciate Symbaloo and Delicious. It is quite impossible to finish adding vital resources;however, I've organized my PLN accordingly and with relevance. Thanks Dr. Strange for recommending that we develop our on Personal Learning Network, it's a great way of finding, and organizing information, so that we can be the best teachers as possible.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blog post # 13

When I was a child I carried a basketball every where I went,including church. Now, I take my lap top every where. I'll admit, I am addicted to electronics. My life revolves around my cell phone, my television, my lap top, and other devices as such. In essence, this blog post is the hardest blog that I've done so far. Essentially, I thought being without electronics was impossible to do with out afflicting myself and others. The first problem that I ran into within the twenty four hours that we were given, was with my cellular phone device. Several people, my mother, father, cousins, and friends left voice messages and wondered why wasn't I returning calls, or text.In fact, it cause so much tension that I had to literally explain our assignment this week, to each one of them.The second difficulty within the twenty four hour time frame that was given was with my television. Over time I developed a pattern of sleeping with the television on. However, for this electronic free exercise I sacrificed my grade for my to speak. Lastly, I experienced difficulty with not being able to use my laptop and ipad freely. I maintain organization with my calendar via MacBook Air. I play music on pandora for relaxation, I use apps for exercise, and I use twitter  and facebook  for socializing (entertainment) purposes. While traveling I also love using GPS because it really saves time and gas. Without electronics, I'm sure I would be able to adapt; however, It would be significantly challenging.Overall, I learned that I depend on technology (electric devices) excessively to help navigate through this complex world. Additionally, electronics is apart of my everyday life;hence, this is the main reason why technology will be a vital asset in my classroom. In conclusion, the exercise is helpful because it is a operation that physically show you how much technology is essentially apart of our everyday life.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Post Project report on final Project # 16

Group Elite

So Far my group and I have made plans to begin thinking and working on our final project. We've been calling each other frequently, and our meeting is this Wednesday, April 25, 2012. I've been thinking about this project for about a week, and now I have many great ideas to contribute to our progress on project #16. I can't wait to show the finished results!

C4K Summary Month (April)

World Blog Challenge

I really learned from the World Blog Challenge. It really gave me an in depth understanding of what kids discuss while learning how to write better. I expressed interest to my C4Ks and I shared personal experiences.
The first comment that I was assigned to do in April was quite interesting because she wrote about Easter.Her name is Meghan. I wrote about shamrocks and my experiences as a little girl. In her blog she asked, "what was my favorite candy"? I responded and told Meghan that my favorite Easter candy are chocolate  bunnies.

The second comment  that I was assigned to do in April was incredible. Shannon is concerned about the war in Afghanistan because her sister is a soldier there. I am very empathetic about this specific topic because I have a cousin/brother in the army there, as well. She expresses in her blog about the amount of troops that were in Afghanistan. I concurred with Shannon's entire blog and I also gave her great advice to take along the way.

Finally, the last blog that I was assigned to do was appealing because it was also a video, about my favorite sport, baseball.  My final C4K name is Cameo, and he is working on his nouns. Cameo's video was great! He uses nouns appropriately on the video and he explains tee ball experiences.
Overall, my C4Ks were exciting, and I was impressed by the creative thoughts that these students came up with. These students are extremely smart and I had a good time with the World Blog Challenge.

Creativity and Curiosity: My Thoughts - Special Post #12A


I am a prospective educator, I desire the absolute best for the entire educational system of the United States.Nevertheless, standardized testing does hinder our students and teachers, to some extent. The main reason why I believe standardize testing is definitely not an asset to education is because Its generally used to compare students test scores to their peers which can be detrimentally discouraging. Secondly, testing of this sort can be bias; therefore, this is an automatic disadvantage for students who are facing poverty situations. Lastly, the stressful pressures that standardized test creates is negative and can be harmful to students' well being. For instance, if a child anticipates that she has a test coming up, she might not be able to sleep because of the anxiety from being so nervous and afraid of FAILURE.Indeed she fails simply because she hasn't had the adequate amount of rest. Naturally,It takes a number of learning experiences to assess a students' true progress. This is why one or two standardized test a year shouldn't dictate whether a student is succeeding, or at risk. Failure is apart of life. It's a simple principal...if you don't fail, then you won't learn! On top of that, being afraid to fail takes away from being creative because you are so overwhelmed with the random thoughts of fear, that it literally steals your entire imagination. In fact, standardized testing has become so redundant that some educators have become obsessed with
"teaching to the test"
because even they have become overwhelmed with the likelihood of their students scoring poorly. All in all, I strongly agree with Leader,Author, Speaker Sir Ken Robinson's methods because he focuses on
"unlocking creativity".
 Sir Ken Robinson stated,
"If you are not prepared to be wrong. You'll never come up with anything original."
Overall, standardized testing is inhibiting schools in the United States because its extremely time consuming, it intimidates students and teachers, and it does not embrace creativity nor curiosity. It is hard to reach and teach a student who has lost his enthusiasm (curiosity). There can be a solution to this problem. We can implement a curriculum that keeps students entertained by learning. The key components would consist of discovering, practicing, and frequent assessments. Curiosity is said to be,
"The fuel of Development"
which is really significant, we don't want to deprive our students from this life long gift that helps us mature into successful hardworking citizens. Teachers have direct influences on students actions. For example, if a teacher is passionate about learning then the students will be.On the Contrary, if a teacher displays signs of apathy towards school, then the students will definitely reflect her behavior. In order to increase the curiosity of our students, we must be curious ourselves. As a teacher, the most important aspect of our career is to step out side of the box and figure out different ways to reach different individuals, successfully. Every individual learns at a different rate, and each person learns with different style(s). For instance, I learn by seeing (visual), hearing (auditory) and doing (kinesthetic). I might have a student who learns like I do, or I could have a student that is completely opposite. Regardless of their particular learning styles, I have to step up to the plate and build their curiosity which will lead to creativity. Hopefully, my fellow co-workers would support my decisions, and possibly adopt the techniques that I have developed to better their students capabilities.

Blog Post # 12

Blog Post # 12

Why is it important to decorate your classroom? 

 -Watch, Classroom decorating Ideas for Teachers from Oriental Trading and notice the theme, colors, relevance, students attitudes, creativity, and curiosity.

-Also Watch,My New Classroom by Ellie Gant. Write two paragraphs on how you would set up your classroom. What type of theme would you use and how do you think this will impact the students learning?

-This is what my heart thrives around! Please if it touches you the way it touched me write about it. Here is my favorite video on youtube: A Teacher's Prayer

 It is extremely vital that you decorate your classroom accordingly. Something as simple as decorating can make a huge impact on learning. Just imagine if you walked inside a classroom with black walls and no adequate light. It would be quite frustrating trying to learn in that type of setting. Furthermore, I've found two awesome videos to watch that are great, and involves creative ideas on how to set up a classroom, appropriately.
Classroom decorating Ideas for Teachers from Oriental Trading was extremely creative. I enjoyed the safari theme because she used light colors which convey feelings of relaxing. The students attitudes reflect the teachers attitude, they both were excited about learning.

Ellie Gant organized her classroom from point A to point Z. After Ms. Gant finished her classroom you literally notice the love and time that she dedicated. When I become a teacher my classroom will be extraordinary appealing, but not so much to where it distracts the students. I can visualize it...I would use an ocean theme because it seems peaceful and soothing. I love the sea, and I feel as though it would be an inspiring enhancement for my classroom.  I am a artist at heart, so my decorations will literally jump out in 3D to capture my students attention. I will create a classroom that engages kids to be enthused about learning.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blog Post #11


"Give a man/women a grain and he will feed his family for a week. Give him/her the tools and he will feed his family for LIFE". ~Anonymous

It's our job to keep up with what's happing in the world as educators. In essence, I want to provide my students access to various relevant tools. My students will not be short changed! I'll ensure my classroom have computers, videos, audios, and a smart board, even if I have to invest in it.

Ms. Cassidy Does What's Best for her Students!

I watched all three parts of Ms. Kathy Cassidy's amazing videos. It inspired me a great deal, so much that I immediately tuned into her  you tube channel. Ms. Cassidy videos taught me that she is truly a extraordinary 21st century teacher. Her approach is simple. She basically takes various technology techniques and implement them effectively into the classroom in order to build independent learners. Ms. Cassidy is a wonderful teacher and mentor. She also has made an tremendous impact on the University of South Alabama, specifically course edm310, via Skype(Feb2010). Ms. Cassidy understands the importance of technology for students and teachers.

I will adopt and implement Ms. Cassidy's approach, thoroughly. University of South Alabama is shaping me to be extremely well rounded.  Furthermore, after I graduate, I will have no limitations on what I am capable of learning and or teaching. I've also been trained to address problems as they arise, accordingly. In addition, blogs, videos,audios, webpages, and smart boards will be incorporated in my class for sure. In turn, these tools will give the best learning endeavors possible for all individuals, which is ultimately my main goal.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blog Post #10



According to the Wikipedia, to teach means to simply show, or explain to someone how to do something. In my own words, to teach means to show or demonstrate to someone various skills, and techniques, necessary for general understanding, however, not application. On the other hand, Wikipedia defines what it means to educate. To educate means, to present, or implement intellectual, moral, and social instruction to someone. On my scale, educating someone is far better, than teaching someone. As for me, I am remarkably passionate. As a future educator, I want to make a (positive) distinctive mark on my student's lives. I will certainly educate, rather than teach. In my opinion, teaching is just not enough! Our kids deserve to have instructors that are devoted. Devoted or loyal teachers are the ones who integrate lessons appropriately, especially with tangible situations. Practical examples enhance student's character. This is exactly why I want to become an elementary school teacher, because I want to catch as many little angels as possible, and demonstrate what a true educator (caring) feels , looks, and acts like. For instance,I would definitely not do this...upon entering the class, I ask my students to sit down, and I have "busy work" available on their desks, as well as no engaging activities. I just basically teach (meaningless) facts that I discuss all day. Can you say boring? In reality, I not only visualize, but I know my class will be conducted in this manner: first, I would began class everyday with a different warm up activity to get their bodies loose, and brains awake and working. Secondly, I want them to feel comfortable, so I would've prepared an educational game of around the world to get to know my students. After the first day, they would begin to tell me what they have learned the day before (writing or speaking out loud). I will also observe each student through out the day, so I'll understand what needs to be reiterated, or elaborated on (strengths/weakness). My class will not be predictable, or routine... every facet will be thoroughly thought of, and creatively established for productive learning. My two most favorite quotes from, Do You Teach or Do You Educate is...
"Intelligence plus character...that is the goal of true education"~MLK and...
"Education for the kindling of a flame not the filling of a vessel"~Socrates.


Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home

I honestly understand why Allison Kirby (summer2010) recommended this staggering post, "Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencils Home!". The general goal of educators should be to train our kids according to Blooms Taxonomy (evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension, and knowledge). Nevertheless, some teachers actually try to manipulate their environment with false data. These heinous teachers reflect Ms. Gertrude character, perfectly. "Tom Johnson's Don't Let Them Take the Pencil's Home!", reveals the basic good teacher (Mr.Johnson) vs. bad teacher (Ms. Gertrude) comparison, in the sophisticated dialogue. Mr. Johnson basically dodged a confrontational argument with Ms.Gertrude. He does this with a very cool, and savvy demeanor. However, Ms. Gertrude tried her hardest to spark up the quarrel about what she read in a journal...if, students take home pencils, they have lower standardized test scores. This is completely illogical,yet Mr. Johnson comes to grip and calmly confront Ms. Gertrude, by applying a little reverse psychology. He literally altered the conversation...
"Let me finish. Schools in low-income areas often have students who come in with a mentality that pencils are to be used for entertainment. Their parents don't use pencils in their factory jobs and don't have experience using pencils in schools. Because the poor are often marginalized, clever marketers tailor pencil use in poor areas toward entertainment. So, they come into my class thinking, 'Cool, this is a toy.' But we can change the paradigm."
In essence, Mr. Johnson resolved the circumstance by addressing the solution, instead of the problem, like a scientist would. Mr. Johnson utilized the scientific method: he asked a question, incorporated background, he constructed a hypothesis, test the experiment, analyzed the results, and then shared them with Ms Gertrude, GENIUS!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blog Post #9


(May 27, 2009) What I've Learned This Year (2008-09) by Joe McClung are pointers that I will utilize as I go in to my first year of teaching. Mr. McClung's experiences will definitely foster me in my teaching career. For example, Mr. McClung wrote about topics, in particular, which I feel that are all essential. At the Teacher's Desk, the main focus is to get the reader to understand just how critical it is to bring positive energy around students. I also learned from this topic, in order to become experienced, it will be extremely time-consuming. The paragraph, How to Read the Crowd is very important,as well. To know your audience will make it easier to relate and teach successfully. Mr. McClung reminds us to not have the lesson centered around us,teachers, but rather the students. He made a wise suggestion that I will hold on to,"Let the audience drive the instructor". It takes common sense to want your audience/students to be able to easily follow you, and can ask questions, to get caught up in case they miss interpret a section. The next paragraph explains how Mr. McClung had to learn how to be flexible through experience. He also elaborates on how there is no such thing as a perfect lesson plan. This simply mean that your audience will be different, and in essence you can never predict the time limit or sequence of events, perfectly. Your lesson plan is simply a guide, and not necessary to stress over, if there is mistakes. The most important concept to grasp as a teacher is to know how to improvise well, and know how to stay on track. In addition, Mr. McClung expresses his reactions on communication in his first year. He states, "communication is the hardest skill to develop". I actually agree with this quote because sometimes as a student, it is difficult to ask questions openly, first I'm extremely shy, secondly I don't want to interrupt, and lastly I attempt to ask well thought of questions. However, I have developed and evolved into a professional inquirer, because now I know how important it is to ask questions. The other topics discussed were quite significant as well, Don't Be Afraid of Technology, and Listen to your students. In summary, Mr. McClung's quest is definitely a learning experience that can help all fact, I will incorporate some of his skills, and apply it in to my teaching. There were two comments that were especially distinctive. Threatt and Amanda's comments were inspirational. Amanda wrote Mr. McClung about the importance of adapting to your environment which was exceptional, considering what would happen that next year.

From 2009 to 2010 Mr. McClung posted, June 15, 2010 What I Learned This Year (2009-10). In 09' he describes that year as a success. Contrary, in the year 2010 he remained focused on his students, but he had many problems with the school administration. However, Mr. McClung did not let this distract him, in turn he adapted to his challenges. He also explained how he felt as though he step out of his comfort zone. My favorite quote, "Change makes you better". This is true! Facing difficult situations help you grow. Mr.McClung also elaborates on how to check your ego at the door. This simply means do what ever it takes to get your student's to learn (engaged)...that means if you have to act like a clown, don't be afraid of looking silly. The point is showing your students you are eager to teach, and learn, and you want them to be the same. Don't be a control freak, is another one of Mr.McClung's various topics. This paragraph is so critical,in my opinion, because no child can learn in a manipulating environment. I certainly learned a lot of pertinent information from Mr. McClung's posts, from year to year. In fact, his post motivated me to read more teachers' blogs,in general. I admire that he took his mistakes,turned them in to positive learning experiences, and shared them with the world.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

C4T #3 Post Summary


My C4T this week displayed ways that I can implement my art capabilities through my students talents. My C4T name is Mr. John Burrows. He seems like an incredible instructor just from the various art works that were published. Personally, I enjoyed his well thought of visuals. It certainly allured me to look in to depth of all the portraits. All the portraits conveyed a in particular, as I stared at the color, texture, and shadings reminded me of a curious little boy. Another drawing conveyed a sense of happiness or well being. Overall, I was impressed with Mr. Burrows posts.

C4K Summary (MARCH)

My C4K summary was completely fascinating. Her name is Jude. Jude wrote about visiting her aunt that owned a kitten. Jude was a little concerned about how her family, and she would react to the kitten. I commented on her post to let her know that most kittens are really sweet. I also told her that I owned a kitten named Whisper. Jude writes really well, and I wish her the best of luck. This C4K assignment, will definitely be remembered!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blog Post #8


The videos,"This Is How We Dream Part 1 and 2", was truly mind boggling. Personally, I've had a computer/lap top/ ipad and all the above. It still amazes me that everyday, every hour, and every minute technology is getting more and more sophisticated. "This Is How We Dream Part 1 and 2", are prime examples of what technology has developed in to. I agree, writing has changed, learning matters, it is important to know how to research appropriately and synthesize what you have gathered effectively. Moreover, in order to demonstrate these relevant skills we should practice them. For instance, in the videos there were several examples of how Dr. Richard E. Miller used virtual books or digital composing to gather information and display it publicly. He used pertinent images, audios, and beautiful colors to capture significant moments. In fact, I really enjoyed the Dr. Martin Luther King example.Since I can remember, I was taught at an early age that high expectations is a priority, and that is why I found these two videos to be compelling. Dr. Richard E. Miller shows how there are no limits to technology, and it continually grows before the eye. After watching those videos, I feel that I would be great at creating collaborative documents, via internet. I will make it my duty to be an tech literate teacher,therefore, I will be skilled at multimedia. After I have mastered the process, I will then share it with my students so they can benefit, and began exploring and learning, as well.

Carly Pugh is an marvelous writer. Her Blog post #12 was intellectual, creative, and inspirational. It is quite clear on why that assignment was necessary. While reading/watching Carly's blog I began to admire the organization techniques, and how she allowed her words to allure you to read and watch the entire blog. Carly's technique is quite similar to Dr. Miller's multi-media projects. My favorite links that Carly posted were inclusion, This what our students deserve!, and daily activity. I derived a vivid detailed explanation of Carly's Blog Post #12, simply to be a good person, accept others differences, work hard, and be a positive role model. Overall, we can maintain all of these great characteristics through great teachers who teach towards these goals.

The Chipper Series and Edm for dummies was two of the most spectacular videos I have ever witness. The videos conveyed great messages to us they simply addressed issues that we could or would come across by being in class Edm 310. In particular, Edm for dummies had great sound effect. The Chipper Series has great lessons that can be learned, the easy way...if you watch the video and not try Chipper's methods. I would love to direct a video like The Chipper Series, and Edm for dummies because I feel that I am extremely creative, and to put the graphics behind it would make it electrifying. I can literally visualize my video...I would include bright colors, relevant audio, and my text would teach lessons. In conclusion, I will most definitely be involved in several videos of this nature and I will continue to watch other videos to enhance my skills.

Learn to Change, Change to learn was quite interesting. The video had various professionals speaking on their insight of technology and how it is no longer a choice but it is required for producing productive citizens. I agree with most of what the professional shared. For instance one person said, " We should produce brave children". I loved this statement because that is my ultimate goal for becoming a teacher is to help create, and discover all children's unique abilities.

Friday, March 9, 2012

My PLN Progress Report!


My personal learning network is working out perfectly. I am learning how to add different tools that will assist me for my future career. I added Skype, a scientist website, and other cool stuff from symbaloo. Delicious is a helpful guide as well. I've been working with this program and it is certainly easy to understand. It taught me how to collect stuff in my stacks off the web to help me in any area.

Blog Post #7


The question,"Why does the networked student even need a teacher?",was posed in the video, Networked Student. Hence, I sat and pondered for a while, and I came up with an example to demonstrate just how important teachers are, regardless of the advanced resourceful tools thats available. Right away my imagination took me to the symbolism of planting a garden. It's like the teacher is the water and the sun, and if a plant(s) doesn't get water and sun than it is unable to produce or grow. In other words, teachers do not just occupy the space in the classroom. He/she is a vital aspect to integrate morals, while teaching a basic subject, such as science. As stated on the video, The Network Student, without teachers there would be no one to physically show you how to use  resourceful tools such as technology, properly. Furthermore, teachers are there to provide a direct positive influence, show students how to discern if the information is legitimate, and also teachers are there to display problem solving methods through course of action. Most importantly teachers should work hand and hand with networking students, and it would be a winning combination.

 I watched A 7th Grader PLE and it took me by surprise how well she responded to the Personal Learning Environment(PLE), or Personal Learning Network (PLN). Meanwhile, I did a little comparison on the 7th grader's PLE versus our PLN. To be honest, it was quite similar. For instance, the 7th grader on the video showed us how she had all of her most used information organized.There were reports, website book markers, blogs, pictures and the attributions, finally Skype all on one program. My favorite quote that the 7th grader mentioned was, "You get to have the freedom of learning how to be responsible". This is key to being successful!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

C4K Summary (Feb)

smart kids

For month February, my comments for kids experience was remarkable, because I learned an immense amount of knowledge from children. First, I had a student named Ana. She has a great imagination. Ana created a store called the, "Teachamania". The title of her post was called the, "Cool Store". While reading her blog I began to realize just how creative this particular store was. She mentioned how it would be centered around art and science, which are my two favorite subjects. All in all, Ana's blog post was incredibly unique, and well thought of.
The second student blog post I read about was quite informative. Her name is Caitlin. Caitlin is a 5th grade student in Iowa, and her blog was about great facts about horses. I really enjoyed reading this blog because I learned various important facts about horses. I enjoy taking pictures of horses, as well as riding them. In essence, I really enjoyed reading Caitlin's post, because I thought it was exceptional and enlightening.
The third student blog I read about was, "Margot's Magical Blog". The pictures where significantly beautiful and capturing. She discusses poems, and have a few poems that are on the post. I love poems and my favorite poet is Maya Angelou. The idea that I love poetry, and pictures of nature, is exactly what made Caitlin's blog post stand out, entirely.
Lastly, I had a student by the name of Jarrod. Jarrod has discovered an incredible game called, Minecraft. Minecraft looked so interesting that I did further investigation, and watched a video on you tube about Minecrafts. I am so happy that I got a chance to read Jarrod's post, because I found it to be wonderful, fun, and exciting. In summary, I was impressed by these students blogs because it allowed me to understand how students are becoming more and more intelligent by the day, and creative in such a way that surely needs to be properly acknowledged.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Post # 6


Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was extraordinary. Mr. Pausch certainly have left an amazing legacy for himself, and I am quite thankful that I was able to watch it. Their where numerous lessons that I learned while watching this video, and taking precise notes.The three most important things that I learned from that speech was to never give up, help others, and to be truthful.
In addition, I will be sure to incorporate other such lessons that Mr. Pausch mentioned, such as always bring something to the table, strive to have high expectations, never give up, show humility, and work hard. If all teachers were like Mr. Pausch, we would have less people dropping out of school, less people going to jail, and other positive situations would transpire out of his encouraging profound influence. I love the "head fake" teaching method because it reminds me of basketball...someone passes you the ball and you look, and act as if you are going one way, and ironically you go the opposite way. To actually do this while teaching is complex,interesting, and time consuming, however Mr. Pausch's implements this very smoothly. He also reminded me that you can't get any where far in this world, alone. For many years, that was my mistake, I truly thought that I didn't need any extra help, nor did I understand the great impact that my fellow classmates could have on my education. In essence, I will use each of Randy Pausch's approach, in an effective way. For instance, I will be sure to not only teach my students, but I will also learn from them, as well. Like the video, "The Last Lecture", I will teach by example meaning, I will show them I care for them first, then enforce positive actions, and then implement the same actions with in myself, every single day! I also enjoyed when he spoke about "keeping your child hood imagination alive". I loved this particular segment, because I am a fan of, "thinking big" and I have an awesome imagination. This type of attitude can become contagious in your classroom, which is exactly what we are trying to accomplish as future teachers. Overall, Mr. Randy is teaching us the values of good character skills, and who wouldn't want to be remembered by that significant title? Live right, sew good seeds, and you will reap great benefits, this was the main point that I gathered from this intense yet, adorable unforgettable moment. Life is short. We should live life on purpose!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog Post # 5

Add caption

Dr. Scott McLeod's post,"Don't teach your kids this stuff. Please?" was an post filled with irony. I read the post a couple of times to make sure I had an accurate understanding. I came to the conclusion that, " Don't Teach Your Kids this stuff. Please?" displayed a bit of satire and sarcasm. At the very end of the post Dr. McLeod clarifies the underlying meaning by saying," don't do any of it, please really 'cause I'm doing all of it with my kids can't wait to see who has a leg up in a decade or two can you?". This statement simply means that everything he is telling you not to do, really means you should do it, either with your students and or child. Dr. Mcleod really exaggerates and focuses on the worst possible extremes, which is far fetched, and if parents, teachers, administrators,and board members use technology correctly than we wouldn't have to worry about those particular problems. Instead, we would actually be teaching our students how to learn in an innovating, creative, hands-on manner which is far better than old fashion pencil and paper.
Who is Dr. Scott McLeod? Dr. Scott McLeod is a Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Kentucky. He is also a blogger, author, and the creator/director of CASTLE (Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education).

The iSchool Initiative is a very well thought of idea or creation. Travis Allen, a seventeen year old high school student, he is responsible for this impressive approach. Travis Allen is not only saving money, but he is also making an attempt to save the environment. The problem with schools today is that classes are too large, materials are too expensive, and most resources aren't useful. The question that Travis posed, "Does technology belong?". In my opinion, technology should be our side by side assistant, because the iTouch and the iSchool would be a great idea to make it an reality. The best feature is that it would be in the palm of your hands, which means it is also easy as pie to stay on task!

Jennifer Chambers found this awesome video, Eric Whitacre's "Virtual Choir". My reaction to this video was quite interesting, because the sound was beautiful, the involvement with 185 people was astonishing, to me as well. To actually know that none of these people knew each other is also interesting. Eric Whitacre's deserves great recognition for this well thought of performance via internet. The virtual choir demonstrates the great distances that technology can reach through learning via music.

Kevin Roberts, has a informative video called, "Teaching in the 21st Century" it explains clearly what it means to be a 21st century teacher.The video goes in to great detail about Bloom's Taxonomy and how education has changed today because information can be found any where, any time, and at any place. However, we as teachers are responsible for discerning if the information is relevant, challenging, and engaging. In addition, that is what it means to be a 21st century teacher. Mr. Roberts sees teaching changing by the variety of information that is available. He sees change by the way we have basically substituted paper, pencil, and book for internet because of it's wonderful advanced ways of getting kids engaged. Honestly, I believe he is absolutely right because education has changed tremendously from the result of technology. I also think the transition is beneficial to our students success. Technology is assisting teachers and parents, and it even engages us, as well. Technology will definitely have a positive impact on the way I teach, because I will use it to my complete advantage.

Reading Rocket was indeed a great site to assist me when I become a teacher. According to, "Reading Rocket", it is defined as the national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help. Now, I understand why Anthony Capps suggested it. Specifically, I read information on first year teacher self study course. I found this information to be beneficial for me since in the next year or so, I'll be a first year teacher. I also read, "back to school teacher tips". It is a booklet that helps when you have went through the summer and need to reiterate information concerning classroom management, structure, lesson plans, or great activities. The most helpful resource provided was definitely, "become a teacher: survival guide for new teachers". I thought this was relevant because you can read remarks from new teachers,co workers, and etc. This website was certainly a plus in my grade book, because it incorporated many helpful tools for student, teachers, principals, and other such important people that want our kids to grow up and succeed to improve the next generation.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Sentence Project # 6

Blog Post #4


After reading and watching Practical Principals, Podcasting with 1st Grade, and Judy Scharf Podcast Collection,I gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on exactly how to make a purposeful podcast. I also learned the reasons why podcast are so effective, in which I will explain. More over, because of this preparation, I have great confidence and a better understanding of how to make an awesome podcast.

Practical Principal

Practical Principal, went in to depth about making music via Garage Band. Garage Band is a skill that is needed to enhance your podcast. It is quite entertaining, as well. Regardless, if you are a musician or just beginning you will find Garage Band to be useful.

Curriki by Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
This post consist of various elements of podcasting. The first is the general idea of what a podcast is, here is what I gathered:
-Podcast are presented in "radio style"
-Podcast can include music
-Podcast shares vital information
-Podcast are easy
Secondly, I gathered that teachers should use podcast rather often, because it facilitates learning. At the very end of the post there were many beneficial suggestions to follow. Before actually doing your podcast, you should prepare. You will have to learn how to work with programs that will be assisting you. Finally, watch other examples of podcast and always give proper attributions.

Langwitches Blog Podcasting With 1st Grade
This site was rather appealing to me because it really focuses on specific skills. Podcasting with 1st grade informed me that podcasting enrich students characters and implement excitement in learning. It is a good idea to stay organized while you do your podcast. The skills that Ms. Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano demonstrated was imperative. She uses listening skills, speaking skills, media skills, technology,etc. all from podcasting. Podcasting is a terrific way to convey learning!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

C4T #1/2 (summary)

It's Called Respect!

I read Dr. McLeod's post, "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?". This post actually stuck to my brain like a magnet on a refrigerator, because it is precise symbolism that satire and sarcasm illustrate. I explain further how in my class there will be a zero tolerance for this type of behavior. I understand as a teacher I will come across satire and sarcasm, and I am certain that I will handle it properly. I gave specific examples to ensure clarity. Ultimately satire and sarcasm gives out a misleading and discouraging signal. This is the exact opposite of what we are trying accomplish. The student/teacher would appreciate a direct, respectful approach when communicating so that everyone comprehends or succeeds.

Secondly, I read the post about plagiarism. This post taught me about effectively using pictures while blogging, or doing other such tasks. Honestly, I did not know how to give accurate attributions to pictures before EDM 310. In addition, I am glad that I'm finally learning how to give credit to the author of pictures that I use(d). In addition, I learned something new, and of great value. That post and this class, especially, has encouraged me to understand the title modifier code, so that I would prevent a situation like this from ever occurring.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 5 (presentation)

Blog Post #3 new

Special needs student

Technology in Special Education is a great video to watch, especially if you have had experience with students with disabilities, or will encounter these wonderful students. Apps can help facilitate teachers. Ms. Lacy Cook demonstrates with her class exactly how effective technology can be. She showed different students, with different diagnosis, and she demonstrates assistance to help them succeed.

Furthermore, apps are helpful tools for instance, the myHomework app. This app in particular would help accommodate a child with a speech difficulty. Like the video, it would allow the child to express himself better, as well as, it will captivate his/her attention. Some apps even enlarge pictures/letters and make lots of noises. They also help students write better. There are numerous dynamic apps today. In general technology helps all students learn regardless of there conditions. When I become a teacher I will most definitely utilize the various sorts of apps, to increase learning, to better communication, and exceed student's overall learning capabilities.

Gary's Watch the Social Media Count change every second when you click on this sentence., reminds me of the cliche',"strength in numbers". There are indeed strength in numbers when discussing technology and its rapid growth.Gary's Social Media Count includes previous stats and up to date stats of the progress of the World Wide Web. What does all these stats mean to me as a future educator? First, I knew technology was growing however, I didn't know the certain rate. This count informed me on exactly how fast, which in turn, allowed me to comprehend what type of advanced situations that I will inevitably face.

I really enjoyed A Vision of Students Today. What immediately snatched my attention was the question written on the back of a desk,"If these walls could talk". I just love the reality behind that underlying statement. What I witness on that particular video was creativity, what actually goes on, and the numbers behind the problem. The main focus of the video in my opinion is technology enhance the classroom if used properly.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog post # 2

Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version was eye grabbing, and the music is extremely dramatic. In addition, there where many things that I read that I didn't know. It seems as though our country is struggling as a whole with IQs. Watching the video made me eager to want to learn how to speak a second language fluently. I would like to learn how to speak either Chinese or Spanish or both. Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod's video ,Did You Know 3.0, was quite similar. I believe the message was to give us knowledge of how we are doing as a country and to show how the web is blossoming rapidly. This information is particularly significant to future educators because we are the ones who have to accommodate for each aspect of change. The question that was posed, " So what does it all mean"? To me, it all means we should strive harder as educators to improve our approach with teaching, which in turn will improve our student's success overall.

Mr. Winkle Wakes was a cute video. While he was asleep time ascended and technology grew tremendously. So he woke and began to visit different places. Mr. Winkle soon began to realize that every where he went had advanced technology.This was just too much for him so he decided to visit a school, and ironic enough he found a comfortable place without all the "machines". The school was the only place he could find that made him comfortable,why? The point of this video demonstrates how we as future teachers should always keep up with society, because this is where we live. If we keep up with the real world then we can always be relevant as educators.

Ken Robinson,The Importance of Creativity, speaks about many significant aspects centered around human creativity, the future of education, and the capacity of children's learning ability. The best point made was kids will take chances, and they don't mind being wrong. On the other hand, adults lose this because they've been ridiculed so much that the desire to think differently is not there. Mr. Robinson explains we should use art, music, drama, and dance to engage learning. We as adults have to learn how to not be afraid of being wrong, because this is a key concept for creativity. I enjoyed all nineteen minutes and twenty nine seconds. Although he tell many jokes, which kept my attention, he has really great advice. For example Mr. Robinson states that we as teachers should produce university professors because they come out on top on the account of their curiosity. After watching his video I gathered that I should teach and apply diverse skills, dynamic skills, and distinctive skills.

A Vision for 21st Century Learning  was innovating.  The argument that was presented was student's need attention grabbing learning. On this video they used technology like a 3D video game that teaches history. As stated on the video students are not excited to learn about facts, or read text books. They are motivated when videos or other such advanced devices that grabs their attention.

Ms. Vicki Davis is a teacher in a rural city in Georgia. Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts empowers students to connect to the entire world. She uses technology to her advantage. Ms. Davis is extremely positive and knows what it takes for her students to learn at their maximum capacity. In my opinion, Ms. Davis is an effective teacher because of her 21st century approach. Ms. Davis have many things to facilitate learning, such as a smart board and virtual life programs.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog Assignment # 1

My name is Kristi Jackson. I was born on November 10, 1983 in Los Angeles, CA. I am majoring in Elementary Education and Special Education. Over the past years I've explored my options by attending various colleges. In essence, I eventually moved back to Mobile to receive a valuable degree. My family is rather large, we inherit the gene of being profound teachers, principals, and professors. At a young age I dreamed of becoming a college professor/coach. My passions, and desires thrive around sports: basketball and softball. After high school I received a scholarship in both sports. I draw for fun, and I take pictures of nature with my spare time. My favorite quote is, "The Foot Prints". In my opinion, I am well rounded because I excel in academics and sports, which in turn will mold me to become a unforgetable instructor.
Unforgetable Moment
Randy Pausch on Time Management. is an incredible speech, because he gives you direct skills to obtain in life for your benefit. Mr. Pausch's video enlightened me more on time management. Specifically he speaks about ways on how to plan for success by using realistic goals and for filling them with out stress or procrastination. Honestly, I enjoyed Randy Pausch on Time Management video because he inspired me a great deal to work even harder on my journey as teacher.
Time Management Is Self Discipline
Sometimes we forget the smallest things can take up the most time, futhermore, when everything goes wrong at one time, imagine how much time is being wasted. I once experienced this frustrating issue, because I played two sports, I was working, and I had a full time academic schedule. I learned very quickly time is precious! Time Management Lessons is indeed a lesson. It explains what goes on in young, adult college students' minds as they enter college. Much like the previous page, Time Management Excercises deliver in depth information on prioritizing, such as watching television or talking on the cell phone when you know you have incomplete work that needs to be attended to. I will surely take in all of this information that I interpreted, because it was extremely resourceful and indeed relevant to my success as a future educator.
wordle about me